Parliamentarians to stress assistance for children in post-crisis situations

COPENHAGEN, 2 July 2012 – At their Annual Session to be held in Monaco, parliamentarians from the world's largest regional security organization, the OSCE, will vote on a resolution underlining the need for greater assistance to children living in post-crisis situations.

Mariusz Grad (Poland) has introduced a resolution calling on the 56 nations of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe to establish assistance projects that would increase the safety of children.

The resolution to be debated by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on 5-9 July also recommends that participating States support legislative, judicial and institutional reforms focusing on child protection and the needs of mothers.

"Not only are children the most vulnerable members of society, they are also disproportionately affected by natural disasters and political crises," said Grad. "Education and targeted humanitarian action can help provide them with the safe environment they need to grow."

The resolution underlines that humanitarian actions should take into account the specific needs of children and urges leaders to find ways for children to contribute to reconstruction efforts. Grad's measure also recommends frequent monitoring of humanitarian projects to ensure better co-ordination between international agencies and national and local authorities.

The resolution is co-sponsored by 57 parliamentarians from 22 different countries.

Parliamentarians from across 56 participating OSCE countries will vote on the resolution and declaration in Monaco. Resolutions adopted at the Annual Session along with the Monaco Declaration help to shape OSCE and national policy. The Annual Session, including committee debates and votes, are open to the press and public.

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is comprised of 320 parliamentarians from 55 countries spanning, Europe, Central Asia and North America. The Assembly provides a forum for parliamentary diplomacy, monitors elections, and strengthens international cooperation to uphold commitments on political, security, economic, environmental and human rights issues. ||



Нэт Пэрри

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