Secretaries General of OSCE PA, NATO PA, PACE meet for consultations

2015 VISIT IS NATOPA Sec Gen PACE Sec GenOSCE PA Secretary General Spencer Oliver (center) hosted NATO PA counterpart David Hobbs (left) and PACE counterpart Wojciech Sawicki on 26 August 2015.COPENHAGEN, 27 August 2015 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Secretary General Spencer Oliver hosted his counterpart from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA), David Hobbs, and his counterpart from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Wojciech Sawicki, on 26 August for the latest in regular consultations between the three Secretaries General.

In discussions held at the OSCE PA International Secretariat in Copenhagen, the Secretaries General addressed the crisis in and around Ukraine, the assemblies’ responses to the crisis, and the effect on relations between the three bodies and Russia.

The Secretaries General also discussed the upcoming local elections in Ukraine and other elections scheduled during the remainder of 2015.

Oliver, Hobbs and Sawicki further discussed gender balance within their respective assemblies and addressed logistical issues concerning upcoming meetings.

The Secretaries General agreed to continue their ongoing trilateral consultations, which began in 2013 on Oliver’s initiative and have included meetings at NATO PA headquarters in Brussels and PACE headquarters in Strasbourg.

The Secretaries General last met in Brussels in December 2014.

The NATO PA and PACE have official observer status at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.



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