14 апреля 2011
COPENHAGEN, 12 April 2011 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Petros Efthymiou today expressed his condolences to the Belarusian people after a bomb in the Minsk metro killed at least 12 people and injured several more. "I extend our condolences to the Belarusian people following last night’s violent attack on the metro in the nation’s capital. We stand together with the people of Belarus in condemning this act of violence. We hope
14 апреля 2011
Petros Efthymiou chairing the Bureau Meeting in the Danish Parliament - the Folketing - on 11 April. COPENHAGEN, 14 April 2011 – The elected and appointed leaders of the Assembly met in the Danish Folketing on 11 April in preparation for the upcoming Annual Session in Belgrade and to review current important issues. Chaired by OSCE PA President Petros Efthymiou (Greece), the Bureau was briefed by Ambassador Rytis Paulauskas, Chairman of the
14 апреля 2011
Petros Efthymiou chairing the Bureau Meeting in the Danish Parliament - the Folketing - on 11 April. COPENHAGEN, 14 April 2011 – The elected and appointed leaders of the Assembly met in the Danish Folketing on 11 April in preparation for the upcoming Annual Session in Belgrade and to review current important issues. Chaired by OSCE PA President Petros Efthymiou (Greece), the Bureau was briefed by Ambassador Rytis Paulauskas, Chairman of the
04 апреля 2011
Tonino Picula, Special Co-ordinator to lead the short-term OSCE observation mission to Kazakhstan, fills out a form at a polling station, Almaty, 3 April 2011. ASTANA, 4 April 2011 – Yesterday’s presidential vote in Kazakhstan revealed similar shortcomings as those noted in previous elections in the country, international observers said in a statement issued today. They noted that reforms necessary for holding genuine democratic elections have
04 апреля 2011
Tonino Picula, Special Co-ordinator to lead the short-term OSCE observation mission to Kazakhstan, fills out a form at a polling station, Almaty, 3 April 2011. ASTANA, 4 April 2011 – Yesterday’s presidential vote in Kazakhstan revealed similar shortcomings as those noted in previous elections in the country, international observers said in a statement issued today. They noted that reforms necessary for holding genuine democratic elections have
04 апреля 2011
The FINANCIAL 4 April 2011 ASTANA. Yesterday, presidential vote in Kazakhstan revealed similar shortcomings as those noted in previous elections in the country, international observers said in a statement issued today. They noted that reforms necessary for holding genuine democratic elections have yet to materialize. While the election was technically well administered, the absence of opposition candidates and of a vibrant political discourse
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