Roberto Montella - Public Messages

OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella speaking at the press conference, 3 July 2024, Bucharest

OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella addressing the 2nd Lisbon Conference on "Security in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", 20 May 2024

OSCE PA SG Montella on the Future of the OSCE and its added value, 31 May 2023

OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella addressed the Conference on "The role of national parliaments in promoting security and stability through green economy, connectivity and sustainable development", 22 May 2023

Secretary General Roberto Montella adressing the Informal Call for Action - Helsinki +50 meeting, 22 February 2023

Secretary General Roberto Montella on the role of the OSCE in addressing the war in Ukraine, 7 September 2022

Secretary General Roberto Montella addressing the International Conference on Combating Corruption, Defending Democracy: The Role of National Parliaments in Cyprus, 27 May 2022

Secretary General Roberto Montella on the role of OSCE in addressing the conflict in Ukraine, 11 May 2022

Secretary General Roberto Montella on the war against Ukraine and the need to keep the OSCE as a forum for dialogue, 4 April 2022

OSCE PA SG Roberto Montella on the role of OSCE in addressing the conflict in Ukraine, 23 March 2022

OSCE PA SG speaking about women's rights in Afghanistan, 26 August 2021

Q&A session at European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, 27 May 2021

OSCE PA SG Roberto Montella closing remarks, "Prosecution, Rehabilitation and Reintegration of FTFs”, 18 May 2021

OSCE PA SG Montella's address to IPA CIS conference on monitoring of elections, 13 May 2021

Contribution of OSCE PA SG Montella to the H+50 event on Dialogue within the OSCE region, 5 May 2021

Secretary General Montella interviewed ahead of Parliamentary Elections in Albania, 23 April 2021

OSCE PA SG Roberto Montella's Remarks at the webinar on Assessing Terrorist Threat and Efforts to Prevent Violent Extremism, 16 April 2021

Roberto Montella, OSCE PA Secretary General, on OSCE Heads of Institutions, Vienna, February 2020

OSCE PA SG Roberto Montella at the «OSCE Astana Summit 2010 Historical Significance and Relevance», 19 February 2021

Focus on people, conclusions by Secretary General Roberto Montella, "Helsinki+50, Call for Action", 27 January 2021

Introduction by Roberto Montella, "Helsinki+50, Call for Action", 27 January 2021

OSCE Institutional Cooperation and Elections, Remarks 2015-2020 by SG Roberto Montella

OSCE Call for Action - Roberto Montella, OSCE PA Secretary General remarks, 3 December 2020

OSCE Future - Wilson Center event, remarks by Secretary General Roberto Montella, 20 November 2020

Address by OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella, OSCE Security Days, 16 October 2020

Roberto Montella, OSCE PA Secretary General, Report and Answers on OSCE PA COVID19 Phase, 7 Jul 2020

Roberto Montella's intervention at webinar “Gendered Impacts of COVID-19”, 15 June 2020

OSCE PA SG Montella closing remarks at IES conference, 4 June 2020

OSCE PA SG Montella's address on "Multilateral Organizations in a Time of Crisis", 4 June 2020

Secretary General Montella's remarks at webinar "COVID19 a turning point for environmental protection?", 26 May 2020

La Primazia della Politica, Roberto Montella OSCE PA SG intervention at OSCE PA Webinar on Economic and Social fallout of COVID 19, 22 April 2020

OSCE PA Secretary General Montella's response to Minister Amendola - Informal Leadership Meeting, 8 April 2020

Roberto Montella, OSCE PA Secretary General, on OSCE Heads of Institutions, Vienna, February 2020

OSCE PA Secretary General Montella's address at the 20th anniversary of the Lund Recommendations, 13 November 2019

Address by Roberto Montella at San Marino Conference on Fake News, 10 May 2019

OSCE PA SG on the situation of the OSCE Heads of Institutions in Minsk 2017 / Déjà Vu!

Secretary General Montella interviewed by CTV, Minsk, 9 July 2017

Interview of OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella with TRT World regarding the PA's high-level visit to Turkey, 19 August 2016

Interview of OSCE PA Secretary General Roberto Montella during OSCE PA Annual Session in Tbilisi, 2 July 2016

Roberto Montella delivers final statement at “Religions against Terrorism” conference, Astana 31 May 2016

Roberto Montella speaks at “Religions against Terrorism” conference, Astana 31 May 2016

Secretary General Roberto Montella addresses Italian parliamentarians. 15 April 2016

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