Christine Muttonen (third from left) addresses the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, 27 October 2016VIENNA, 27 October 2016 – Urging governments of the OSCE area to enhance the level of international co-operation to reverse a deteriorating security environment, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Christine Muttonen (MP, Austria) called in Vienna today for more constructive dialogue and confidence-building.
In Muttonen’s first address to the OSCE Permanent Council, which brings together permanent representatives of the 57 OSCE participating States, she highlighted the organization’s potential, but noted that greater co-operation is needed to achieve this potential.
“Dialogue means the ability to put yourself into the shoes of another, at least from time to time. I hope that we can all contribute to a constructive discussion. De-escalation is a communal effort and should take place in all our meeting rooms, the governmental ones as well as in parliamentary conferences,” she said.
The President raised concerns over the erosion of safeguards against the militarization of international politics, including the dangers of a new arms race, and pointed out that the OSCE is a useful forum to overcome crises in the security architecture.
In this regard, Muttonen stressed that the Parliamentary Assembly is ready and willing to work closely with the OSCE’s governmental side in addressing common challenges. She highlighted the PA’s ability to promote mutual understanding through parliamentary diplomacy and dialogue.
“When, for example, Russian and Ukrainian, or Azerbaijani and Armenian members of parliament speak constructively to each other on the margins of our meetings, I feel this people-to-people diplomacy is one step towards rebuilding confidence and resolving the crisis,” she said.
As a political assembly, Muttonen noted that the OSCE PA can speak out effectively, and can offer practical contributions by acting quickly and decisively. She called for a focus on deliverable results, and urged a stronger security role for women, noting also her focus on issues related to gender, youth and minorities.
The President further highlighted key recommendations of the Assembly’s Annual Declaration, adopted in July 2016 in Tbilisi, including calls for adapting the regulatory framework on arms control and confidence-building, and improving human rights records across the OSCE area. She also reiterated the PA’s call for a high-level OSCE coordinating body or thematic field mission on migration.
While at OSCE headquarters in Vienna today, Muttonen is holding a number of bilateral meetings, and later will host an event with OSCE permanent representatives to mark the Parliamentary Assembly’s 25th anniversary.
For the full remarks, please click here.