VIDEO: Enhancing the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 across the OSCE Region

VIDEO: Enhancing the Implementation of UNSCR 1325 across the OSCE Region, 8 September 2021, 14:30 – 17:00 CEST, online

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Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 14:30 – 17:00 CEST, online

Ahead of the 50th Anniversary of the OSCE’s Helsinki Final Act in 2025, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is organizing a series of events as part of its Call for Action – Helsinki +50 initiative to revive political interest in the Organization.

On Wednesday, 8 September, the PA held an event to discuss how political leaders and parliamentarians across the OSCE region can further the Women, Peace and Security agenda, with a particular focus on promoting implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. With welcoming remarks from OSCE PA President Margareta Cederfelt (Sweden) and Secretary General Roberto Montella, the event featured panelists OSCE PA Special Representative on Gender Issues Hedy Fry (Canada); Amb. Neil Bush, Chair of the OSCE MenEngage Network; Amb. Tuula Yrjölä, Director of the OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre; and Kari Henriksen, OSCE PA Special Representative on South Caucasus; as well as concluding remarks by Amb. Lamberto Zannier, OSCE PA High-Level Expert.

For more information on the Helsinki +50 initiative, please click here.  



Nat Parry

Head of Communications and Press

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Email: [email protected]

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