OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and Turkmenistan Parliament host Conference on Parliamentary Diplomacy in Ashgabat

COPENHAGEN, 22 November 2024 – On 27-28 November 2024 the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and the Mejlis (Parliament) of Turkmenistan host an international conference in Ashgabat on “Parliamentary Diplomacy in the OSCE Area: Dialogue as a Tool for Building Bridges for a Secure and Peaceful Future”. The conference aims to explore how parliamentary diplomacy can play a pivotal role in safeguarding the interests of future generations.

The conference comes in the wake of the 2024 UN Summit of the Future, where the Pact for the Future was adopted. The Ashgabat conference builds directly on the outcomes of the Summit, exploring practical ways for national legislatures to translate global commitments into actionable policies that safeguard the rights and interests of future generations.

At the 2023 Annual Session in Vancouver, the OSCE PA adopted a resolution on Future Generations, which emphasized the need for long-term strategies to address pressing global challenges such as climate change, conflict, and inequality. This resolution reflects the Assembly’s recognition of the importance of integrating the perspectives of future generations into policy-making processes.

The Ashgabat conference builds upon this resolution and other previous initiatives, offering a platform for further dialogue and action. By bringing together parliamentarians, experts, and other stakeholders, the conference will explore how the OSCE PA can continue to lead efforts in this area, particularly through the application of parliamentary diplomacy to address long-term challenges and contribute to a secure and peaceful future.

This conference also continues the momentum generated by the Helsinki +50 conference held in Ashgabat in May 2023. That event focused on the role of neutral states in fostering security, stability, and dialogue in the OSCE area. The discussions underscored the importance of inter-parliamentary dialogue in addressing regional and global challenges, especially in a time of increasing geopolitical tensions. 


27 November, Wednesday

14.00-14.30 Opening Session
- Dunyagozel Gulmanova, Speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan
- Pia Kauma, President of the OSCE PA
- Ambassador John MacGregor, Head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat


15.00-16.30 Session 1: Parliamentary Diplomacy in the OSCE area: Building a strong foundation for lasting international peace and security through dialogue and cooperation
Moderator: Farah Karimi, OSCE PA Special Representative on Central Asia

Key-note presentations:

  • Maksat Kulyyev, Head of the Committee for International and   Inter-parliamentary Relations, Mejlis of Turkmenistan
  • Dmitry Shlapachenko, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Turkmenistan 
  • Amb. Brigitte Brenner, Permanent Observer of the Inter-Parliamentary Union to the UN and other International Organizations in Vienna


28 November, Thursday

09.30-11.00 Session 2: Addressing the adverse impacts and consequences of climate change to ensure the wellbeing of future generations
Moderator: Artur Gerasymov, Vice-Chair of the General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment

Key-note presentations 

  • Serdar Gayypov, Head of the Committee for environmental protection, natural resource management and agroindustry complex
  • Ambassador Bakyt Dzhusupov, OSCE Co-ordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities
  • Venera Shayhullina, Environmental Policy Advisor for the Regional Programme Green Central Asia
  • Serdar Eyeberenov, Head of the Hydrometeorology Department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan


11.30-13.00 Session 3: Ensuring Equal Opportunities: Role of young people and intergenerational solidarity in building a prosperous future
Moderator: Enejan Atayeva, Member of the Committee for International and Inter-parliamentary Relations

Key-note presentations

  • David Stögmüller, OSCE PA Special Representative on Youth Engagement (video address) 
  • Batyr Baylyyev, Chairperson of the Committee for Legislation and norms of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan
  • Yazpolat Keriyev, Chairperson of the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly of Turkmenistan
  • Aleksander Stokkebo, Vice-Chair of the OSCE PA Network of Young Parliamentarians
  • Nigina Abdullaeva, National Political Dialogue Officer, OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe


13.00-13.30 Closing Session
- Dunyagozel Gulmanova, Speaker of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan,
- Farah Karimi, OSCE PA Special Representative on Central Asia
- Ambassador John MacGregor, Head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat



Nat Parry

Head of Communications and Press

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Email: [email protected]

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