15 февраля 2011
КОПЕНГАГЕН, 15 февраля 2011 г. – С 16 по 18 февраля Кыргызскую Республику посетит делегация Парламентской ассамблеи ОБСЕ во главе с Председателем Ассамблеи Петросом Эфтимиу. Целью визита является укрепление сотрудничества с недавно избранным парламентом страны. В ходе визита запланированы встречи с Президентом Кыргызстана Розой Отунбаевой, Спикером Парламента Ахматбеком Келдибековым, Министром иностранных дел Русланом Казакбаевым и другими
15 февраля 2011
COPENHAGEN, 15 February 2011 – PA Vice-President and Special Co-ordinator of the November 2010 OSCE Election Observation Mission in Azerbaijan Wolfgang Grossruck (Austria) led a post-election visit to Baku on 9-13 February. Meeting with representatives from parliament (Milli Mejlis) and government as well as with political parties and other representatives of civil society and the media, Mr. Grossruck discussed the post-election situation, the
15 февраля 2011
COPENHAGEN, 15 February 2011 – PA Vice-President and Special Co-ordinator of the November 2010 OSCE Election Observation Mission in Azerbaijan Wolfgang Grossruck (Austria) led a post-election visit to Baku on 9-13 February. Meeting with representatives from parliament (Milli Mejlis) and government as well as with political parties and other representatives of civil society and the media, Mr. Grossruck discussed the post-election situation, the
15 февраля 2011
COPENHAGEN, 15 February 2011 — OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Petros Efthymiou will lead a delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic 16-18 February aimed at strengthening co-operation with the country’s new parliament. The delegation (listed below) is scheduled to meet with President Roza Otunbaeva, Speaker Akhmatbek Keldibekov of the Kyrgyz Parliament, Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev and other high level government officials. President
15 февраля 2011
COPENHAGEN, 15 February 2011 — OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Petros Efthymiou will lead a delegation to the Kyrgyz Republic 16-18 February aimed at strengthening co-operation with the country’s new parliament. The delegation (listed below) is scheduled to meet with President Roza Otunbaeva, Speaker Akhmatbek Keldibekov of the Kyrgyz Parliament, Foreign Minister Ruslan Kazakbaev and other high level government officials. President
09 февраля 2011
COPENHAGEN, 9 February 2011 -- President of the OSCE PA Petros Efthymiou made the following statement regarding recent unrest in Egypt: "The ardour for democracy manifested by the people of Egypt provides an opportunity for real changes in the country, in the direction of strengthening democratic institutions and promoting democratic governance and social justice that shall culminate in free and fair elections. "We call for the cessation of
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