The Hill - April 28, 2016 By Margareta Cederfelt In October 1943, some 7,220 of Denmark’s 7,800 Jews were evacuated by the Danish resistance movement to Sweden to escape the Nazi concentration camps. They arrived by sea to the safety of Swedish shores, where they enjoyed the security of living in a neutral country, an act of solidarity that likely saved the lives of over 99% of Denmark’s Jewish population. Seven decades later, Sweden has become
15 July 2015
l'Unita 15 July 2015 by Marietta Tidei Dal 5 al 9 luglio si è svolta ad Helsinki la 24esima sessione annuale dell’Assemblea parlamentare dell’Osce. La Conferenza per la Sicurezza e la Cooperazione in Europa (Csce), poi divenuta Osce, nacque proprio ad Helsinki nel 1975. Fu una risposta dettata dal buon senso e dalla volontà di dialogo di fronte alle difficoltà della guerra fredda. Si comprese allora che la sicurezza doveva essere affrontata
18 February 2015
International Organization for Migration 18 February 2015 By Isabel Santos Last month I was part of a delegation from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to Harran, Turkey, where we came across a "city of containers" – thousands of them – surrounded by fences and housing some 14,500 refugees. Life goes on day after day in search of a normalcy that such a place can never provide. In one of the container-city's schools, we met with children who
Dagens Nyheter 25 October 2014 By Kent Härstedt Avgörande för säkerhet och ställning. Trots utblottad ekonomi, korruption och en krigsliknande situation arrangerar Ukraina i morgon söndag val till parlamentet. Orädda valförrättare anstränger sig för att värna demokratin. Det är på många sätt Europas viktigaste val, skriver OSSE:s valkoordinator Kent Härstedt. Medan medieskugga fallit över Ukraina och vårt fokus riktats mot IS, ebola och
Радіо Свобода 23 October 2014 Кент Херстедт Уявіть спробу провести вибори у найкритичніший момент сучасної історії вашої країни – голосування, життєво важливе для безпеки вашої держави і її місця у світі. Уявіть спробу провести вибори на тлі загроз іззовні і зсередини, розхитаної економіки, атмосфери напруженої невизначеності, а ще і під пильним оком цілого світу. А тепер уявіть спробу провести такі вибори чисто. Двічі. Уявіть Україну. Востаннє
23 October 2014
RFE/RL 23 October 2014 by Kent Harstedt OSCE Special Co-ordinator Kent Harstedt (left) meets with local election officials in Luhansk oblast, 17 October. Kent Harstedt is OSCE Special Co-ordinator and leader the short-term OSCE observer mission for Ukraine’s parliamentary elections. A member of the Swedish parliament, he serves as a vice president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Imagine trying to hold an election at the most critical
Nat Parry
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