22 March 2012
PRISHTINË/PRIŠTINA, 22 March 2012 - A representation of the Italian delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly discussed human rights and minority rights during a visit today to Kosovo, where the OSCE's largest field mission is based. Assembly Vice-President Riccardo Migliori; Matteo Mecacci, chair of the Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions; and Senator Mauro Del Vecchio and Senator Giuseppe Caforio met with
19 March 2012
COPENHAGEN, 16 March 2012 – OSCE PA President Petros Efthymiou today applauded the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova for electing a national president after a more than two and a half year political stalemate in Chisinau. The parliament today elected Mr. Nicolae Timofti president of Moldova. Timofti, an experienced lawyer, was proposed by the Alliance for European Integration, supported by independent parliamentarians, and received 62
COPENHAGEN, 16 March 2012 – OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Petros Efthymiou called today for authorities in Minsk to halt its use of the death penalty after reports that President Alexander Lukashenko has decided to go forward with the use of the death penalty in the cases of two men convicted for the April 2011 Minsk metro bombing. "I am troubled by President Lukashenko's decision go forward with the use of the death penalty in the
Gazeta.kz 14 March 2012 Kazakh delegation headed by Chairman of the Senate Committee for Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security Ikram Adyrbekov met with OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Emeritus Joao Soares and Portuguese MPs in Lisbon on Monday. The issues of intensification of Kazakh-Portuguese interparliamentary cooperation and economic ties were discussed. The Portuguese parliamentarians were proposed to form a parliamentary friendship
07 March 2012
CNN 5 March 2012 Moscow (CNN) -- Thousands of people in Moscow rallied for and against Vladimir Putin in separate rallies Monday after official election results showed the Russian prime minister handily winning back the presidency. International observers blasted the Sunday election, saying the outcome was never in doubt. Some foreign governments pledged to work with the new leader despite concerns about electoral violations. "The election has
06 March 2012
Kyiv-Post 5 March 2012 Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Walburga Habsburg Douglas has said she regrets that she was denied permission to visit former Ukrainian Prime Minster Yulia Tymoshenko in the Kachanivska penal colony in Kharkiv. "A functioning legal system and the guarantee of legal security are among the most important democratic principles a country needs to uphold. It is unfortunate that we were prevented from meeting
Nat Parry
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