Matteo Mecacci at the OSCE Human Dimension Committee meeting, 14 November 2011. VIENNA, 15 November 2011 – In a continuation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's efforts to forge closer co-operation with the OSCE's governmental side in Vienna, Matteo Mecacci, chair of the OSCE PA's Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions, met with his counterpart committee Monday and outlined several ways the upcoming Ministerial Council
14 November 2011
TREND.AZ 14 November 2011 OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Secretary General Spencer Oliver arrived in Georgia last night. As Oliver told journalists at the Tbilisi Airport, the goal of the visit is preparation for the OSCE PA Economic Forum in Tbilisi. The OSCE PA Economic Forum will be held in Georgia in May 2012. "I intend to get acquainted with the conditions of holding the forum and will meet with the leadership of the Georgian Parliament," he
31 October 2011
BBC Russian 31 October 2011 День голосования в Киргизии был омрачен значительными нарушениями, особенно во время подсчета голосов и подведения итогов, отметили аккредитованные на выборах президента наблюдатели от ОБСЕ. В опубликованном 31 октября предварительном заключении наблюдателей сказано, что работа центризбиркома характеризовалась "значительным отсутствием прозрачности". "Значительное число" избирательных участков получило негативную
RFE/RL 31 October 2011 Kyrgyzstan's former prime minister, Almazbek Atambaev, is poised to become president after winning by a sizeable margin in the October 30 election. There were doubts that Atambaev could clear the 50-percent hurdle needed to claim an outright victory and prevent the country from heading into a combative second round. But in the end, he appeared to succeed handily, winning nearly 63 percent of the vote. Central Election
31 October 2011
Washington Post 31 October 2011 The front-runner in Kyrgyzstan's presidential election claimed victory Monday after preliminary results showed he had garnered an overwhelming share of votes, but opponents cried foul and refused to concede defeat. Campaigners for Almazbek Atambayev said he secured broad support across the former Soviet Central Asian nation, showing that fears of the election exposing interregional tensions were unfounded. His
31 October 2011
Walburga Habsburg Douglas talks to the head of a polling station in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, 30 October 2011. BISHKEK, 31 October 2011 - The presidential election in Kyrgyzstan was conducted in a peaceful manner, but shortcomings underscored that the integrity of the electoral process should be improved to consolidate democratic practice in line with international commitments, international observers concluded in a statement issued today. The
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